1978 - 08 - 01 Atlanta Braves vs Los Angeles Dodgers Recap

The 1978 baseball season - On the 01 of 08 1978, the Atlanta Braves attempted to defend their city's honor against the . The Atlanta Braves were coached by , the visitors by . was the umpire. The starting pitcher for the Atlanta Braves was and the pitcher for the was .

This database is as complete as possible and includes the visiting team, hometeam, umpire, starting pitching, batting order, stadium played at, attendance, and any additional information you may find useful. If you happen to notice any inconsistencies in the data shown, please let us know (it's a big database, and mistakes happen, especially in the earlier years).

1978 Atlanta Braves vs Cincinnati Reds

Game Score Card / Stats

Game Date: 1978/08/01 Atlanta Braves vs Cincinnati Reds
Played at Atlanta-Fulton County Stadium with 31159 people in attendance.

Atlanta Braves20015035x15211
Cincinnati Reds300010000473
Teams# PitchersStarting PitcherManager
Atlanta Braves -3Larry McWilliamsBobby Cox
Cincinnati Reds -5Fred NormanSparky Anderson
Home Runs in game:
Atlanta Braves -3
Cincinnati Reds -2
Hometeam BatterBatting Order Visiting Team BatterBatting Order
Jerry Royster6Pete Rose5
Barry Bonnell8Ken Griffey9
Gary Matthews9Dave Concepcion6
Jeff Burroughs7George Foster7
Bob Horner5Johnny Bench2
Dale Murphy3Ken Henderson8
Rod Gilbreath4Dan Driessen3
Joe Nolan2Junior Kennedy4
Larry McWilliams1Fred Norman1
Umpire Name Umpire Position:
Jim Quick Home Plate Umpire
Jerry Crawford First Base Umpire
Doug Harvey Second Base Umpire
Andy Olsen Third Base Umpire