Saturday, July 27th, 2024
Create your free NFL office pool at Sports is a great way for friends and family to play an office pool and best of all it is free!. No longer do you have to track team stats, player stats and then tally points each week for those players and teams as Sports Pool .com does that for you. Gone are the days of faxing in your weekly picks and receiving weekly updates by fax or phone. Sports offers pick'em type NFL pools, Fantasy Team NASCAR pools and Fantasy league PGA Tour pools.

If you are looking for a fun way to enjoy your favorite sport and build camaraderie between friends, then sign up for one of our free pools. To create an account with simply fill out the form below.

New Signups for Closed for the year. Thank you for visiting and we wish you the best in this years sports season!
1. Required Information:
First Name:
Last Name:
Your Email:
Choose Username:
Password (6 char min):

-Your Username and Password can only be letters and numbers.
-Please be sure your email is accurate, your activation email is sent to this address.

2. Optional Information:
Favorite Sport
Favorite Team / Player:
Postal Code:
I am: Male     Female

The optional information helps us make the site better for you.

3. I would like to receive the Sportspool Newsletter:   Yes Please     No Thank You

4. Type verification image:   verification image, type it in the box

Comments or Suggestions?

Sorry, Account Was NOT Created

Insufficient Information Supplied

Please go back and enter the following:
"; if ($first_name == "") { echo "
Please enter your First Name
"; } if ($last_name == "") { echo "
Please enter your Last Name
"; } if ($username_picked == "") { echo "
Please select a username
"; } if ($password_picked == "") { echo "
Please enter a password
"; } if ($email == "") { echo "
Please enter a valid email address
"; } if ($verif_box == "") { echo "
Please enter the correct Verification Code.It is the 4 digit number displayed in step 3.
"; } } else { //check username is not already picked. $query = "select password from users where username = '$username_picked'"; $query2 = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query3 = mysql_fetch_array($query2); $check = $query3[password]; if ($check) { echo "
Sorry, that username has already been taken. Please go back and select a different username.
"; } else { //check username is valid (alphanumeric) if (!ereg('^[[:alnum:]]+$', $username_picked)) { echo "
Invalid Username.
Please go back and pick a different one. Usernames must consist of only letters and numbers, with no spaces.
"; } else { //check email is valid if ( filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) == FALSE) { echo "
Invalid email. Please go back and enter a valid email address.
"; } else { //check email has no account tied to it $query = "select username from users where email = '$email'"; $query2 = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query3 = mysql_fetch_array($query2); $emailcheck = $query3[username]; if ($emailcheck) { echo "
Sorry, that email address already has an account associated with it. Please go back and enter a different email address. If you have forgotten your account login, you can retrieve it using the Lost Password option at the top right of the screen.
"; } else { //check password is valid (alphanumeric) if (!ereg('^[[:alnum:]]+$', $password_picked)) { echo "
Invalid Password.
Please go back and pick a different one. Passwords must consist of only letters and numbers, with no spaces.
"; } else { //check password is at least 6 characters. if (strlen($password_picked) < "6") { echo "
The password you have chosen is too short, please chose a password with at least 6 characters.
"; } else { //checks if verification code is right if (md5($verif_box).'a4xn' !== $_COOKIE['tntcon']) { echo "
The verfication code is incorrect.
Please go back and re-enter the verification numbers above the 'Create New Account' button.
"; } else { $today = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $birthdate = "$birthyear-$birthmonth-$birthday"; //we add the account $query = "INSERT INTO users"; $query .= "(user_number, date, contact_first_name, contact_last_name,phonenumber,email, city, country, postal, username, password, newsletter, account_verified,adminpowerlevel, favorite_sport, favorite_team,gender,birthdate)"; $query .= "values(000000,'$today','$first_name','$last_name','$phone','$email','$city','$country','$postal','$username_picked','$password_picked','$newsletter','no','','$favorite_sport','$favorite_team','$gender','$birthdate')"; mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); //if they select yes, we add them to the newsletter if ($newsletter == "yes") { $query = "insert into newsletter (email, firstname, lastname, double_optin) values ('$email','$first_name','$last_name','Yes')"; $query2 = mysql_query($query); } //sanitize comments $comments = htmlentities($comments); echo "Thank you, your account has been successfully created.
We have sent an activation request to your email address: $email.

Please check your email shortly to activate your account.
Once you click the link provided in the confirmation email, your account will be fully active and you will be able to pick which pool you want to play, or to create your own pool."; $emailpasswordmessage = ""; $emailpasswordmessage .=" Welcome to"; $emailpasswordmessage .=""; $emailpasswordmessage .=""; $emailpasswordmessage .=""; $emailpasswordmessage .="

Activation Required

"; $emailpasswordmessage .="Welcome to!!\n
"; $emailpasswordmessage .="Either you, or someone claiming to be you has signed up for this service. If you did not ask for this, just ignore this email and you will not receive any further contact from us.
If you did wish to create an account with us, you need to Activate your account by clicking on the link below.

Username: $username_picked
"; $emailpasswordmessage .="Password: $password_picked


"; $emailpasswordmessage .="

You can login from the main page at"; $emailpasswordmessage .="
"; $emailpasswordmessage .="-The Staff"; $emailheaders = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $emailheaders .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; $emailheaders .="From:\r\nReply-To:\r\n"; mail ($email, "Welcome to - Account Activation Required.", $emailpasswordmessage, $emailheaders); //Let us know where is a new signup, if they made no comments the email is empty but we still get their name and username in the subject. $adminmessage .=" New Account Signup"; $adminmessage .=""; $adminmessage .=""; $adminmessage .="

Username: $username_picked
"; $adminmessage .="Password: $password_picked
"; $adminmessage .="Email Address: $email
"; $adminmessage .="Comments when signed up: $comments
"; $adminmessage .="
"; $adminmessage .="-The Staff"; $emailheaders = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $emailheaders .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; $emailheaders .="From:\r\nReply-To:\r\n"; mail ("","New Sportspool Signup: $first_name $last_name ($username_picked)",$adminmessage, $emailheaders); mail ("","New Sportspool Signup: $first_name $lastname ($username_picked)",$adminmessage, $emailheaders); } //end of check if verification code is correct } //end of check if password is 6 characters or more. } //end of check if password is valid } //end of check if email has an account already associated with it } //end of check if email is a valid email address } // end of check if username is valid. } //end of check if username is taken. } //end of check for empty fields /* verif box wrong */ } //end of check if Submit = Create New Account is clicked---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?>

Now that your account is active, please determine if you wish to join an existing pool (such as a friend's or the Official Sportspool pool) or if you wish to create your own. Please select below.


You have successfully joined the Official Pool.
Thank you for participating and we wish you luck.

In order to continue, you will have to login using the Login button on the top right of the page.

Additionally, if you choose to you may join up to 2 additional pools
(there is a maximum of 3 pools available overall per account).

This is not required but is available below:

To join an existing pool, simply use the pull down button below called 'Choose an existing Pool?' to locate the pool you wish to take part in.

Restricted pools are noted in the list with a (R) beside them and you must enter the correct password before you can join. If you know the password, enter it into the 'Pool Password' selection box. Please note that the passwords are case sensitive.

"; echo "
Select Pool:"; $query = "SELECT * FROM pools order by pool_name ASC"; $pools = mysql_query($query) or die("Select Failed! Error #22"); ?>
Enter Password (If Required) "; echo ""; echo "
"; } } // Friend pool picked to join if ($poolpicked) { $query = "select * from pools where pool_name = '$poolpicked'"; $query2 = mysql_query($query) or die('Problem'); $query3 = mysql_fetch_array($query2); $correctpass = $query3['restricted_password']; if ($poolpickedpassword == $correctpass) { echo "

You have successfully joined the $poolpicked pool.

In order to continue, you will have to login using the Login button on the top right of the page.

"; $query = "update users set chosenpool = '$poolpicked', adminpowerlevel = '0' where username = '$pool_username'"; mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); ?>

Additionally, if you choose to you may join up to 2 additional pools
(there is a maximum of 3 pools available overall per account).
This is not required but is available below:

This pool requires a password to be entered before you can join.
Please go back and try again."; } } //end of if friend's pool selected to join //----------------------------------------------------------------------------If they chose to make their own pool---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($poolselect == "createown") { ?>
This step is to create your pool with a name of your choosing.

Please note: if you want the pool to be restricted then you have to specify a password for the pool.

Name of your Pool (25 chars):
Password (10 chars):
Confirm Password (10 chars):
Required Fields are in RED

For further information about options you have available, please refer to the pool owners FAQ
The FAQ goes over setting up all of the options available for your pool, such as login notices and banner messages.

Each account can only create one pool, so pick your name carefully and good luck to you and your players for !
Invalid Pool name.
Please go back and pick a different one. Poolnames must consist of only letters and numbers, with no spaces.
"; } else { if (strlen($poolname) > "25") { echo "
The pool name you have chosen is too long. Please pick a name with a maximum of 25 characters.
"; } else { if ((!ereg('^[[:alnum:]]+$', $poolpassword)) && ($poolpassword)) { echo "


Invalid Password.
Please go back and pick a different one. Passwords must consist of only letters and numbers, with no spaces.
"; } else { if (strlen($poolpassword) > "10") { echo "
The password you have chosen is too long. Please pick a password with a maximum of 10 characters.
"; } else { if ($poolpassword !== $poolpassword2) { echo "
The passwords you entered do not match, please go back and make sure both passwords are the same.
"; } else { $query = "select pool_number from pools where pool_name = '$poolname'"; $query2 = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query3 = mysql_fetch_array($query2); $pool_number = $query3[pool_number]; if ($pool_number) { echo "
Sorry, that pool name is already taken. Please go back and select a different pool name.
"; } else { ?>

Congratulations , you have successfully setup the $poolname pool.

For further instructions or information about the options you have available, please refer to the pool owners FAQ. You can read this at a later time as the link will be available to you in your pools admin section.

In order to continue, you will have to login using the Login button on the top right of the page.

Enjoy the year! We hope you and your friends enjoy playing at!

Additionally, if you choose to you may join up to 2 additional pools
(there is a maximum of 3 pools available overall per account).
This is not required but is available below:

To join additional existing pools, simply use the pulldown button below called 'Choose an existing Pool?' to locate the extra pools you wish to take part in.

Restricted pools are noted in the list with a (R) beside them and you must enter the correct password before you can join. If you know the password, enter it into the 'Pool Password' selection box. Please note that the passwords are case sensitive.

Select Additional Pool:
Enter Password (If Required):

Select 2nd Additional Pool:
Enter Password (If Required):

"; $query = "select chosenpool from users where username = '$pool_username'"; $query2 = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query3 = mysql_fetch_array($query2); $chosenpool = $query3['chosenpool']; if ($chosenpool == $extrapool1picked) { echo "Sorry, you have already joined this pool."; } else { $query = "select pool_name, restricted_password from pools where pool_name = '$extrapool1picked'"; $query2 = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query3 = mysql_fetch_array($query2); $pool_name_check = $query3['pool_name']; $restricted_password = $query3['restricted_password']; if ($pool_name_check == "") { echo "Sorry, that pool doesn't appear to be valid."; } else { if (($restricted_password) && ($extrapool1pickedpassword == "")) { echo "This pool requires a password to join. Please go back and submit the proper password. "; } else { if (($restricted_password) && ($restricted_password !== $extrapool1pickedpassword)) { echo "Sorry, the password you provided does not appear to be valid. Please go back and try again."; } else { $query = "update users set chosenpool2 = '$extrapool1picked' where username = '$pool_username'"; $query2 = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); echo "

You have successfully added $extrapool1picked to your list of active pools.

"; } //check that supplied password is correct } //check if password is required and they didn't provide one } //check pool exists } //end of check that extra pool 1 isn't already picked } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------End of Adding Extra Pool #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Adding Extra Pool #2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if ($extrapool2picked) { echo "Attempting to add pool $extrapool2picked...

"; $query = "select chosenpool from users where username = '$pool_username'"; $query2 = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query3 = mysql_fetch_array($query2); $chosenpool = $query3['chosenpool']; $chosenpool2 = $query3['chosenpool2']; if (($chosenpool == $extrapool2picked) || ($chosenpool2 == $extrapool2picked)) { echo "Sorry, you have already joined this pool. Unable to add this pool."; } else { $query = "select pool_name, restricted_password from pools where pool_name = '$extrapool2picked'"; $query2 = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query3 = mysql_fetch_array($query2); $pool_name_check = $query3['pool_name']; $restricted_password = $query3['restricted_password']; if ($pool_name_check == "") { echo "Sorry, that pool doesn't appear to be valid."; } else { if (($restricted_password) && ($extrapool2pickedpassword == "")) { echo "This pool requires a password to join. Please go back and submit the proper password. "; } else { if (($restricted_password) && ($restricted_password !== $extrapool2pickedpassword)) { echo "Sorry, the password you provided does not appear to be valid. Please go back and try again."; } else { $query = "update users set chosenpool3 = '$extrapool2picked' where username = '$pool_username'"; $query2 = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); echo "

You have successfully added $extrapool2picked to your list of active pools.

"; } //check that supplied password is correct } //check if password is required and they didn't provide one } //check pool exists } //end of check that extra pool 2 isn't already picked } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------End of Adding Extra Pool #2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if (($extrapool1picked) || ($extrapool2picked)) { echo "

In order to continue, you will have to login using the Login button on the top right of the page.

"; } //end of notification on having to login if they joined extra pools //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------End of If they choose to join extra pools---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?>